The blog for the Twinning in Action project 2014-2016 organised by CADFA

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Great feedback from Llanidloes!

So nice to hear this from Mary in Llanidloes...
I have just written a report for the Town Council including references to the central role played by CADFA in organising the visit. I will also write something similar for the local press.
It was so lovely to have the group here. They were wonderful guests and so enthusiastic and helpful.
The event we organised went really well. We had some live music, including Welsh traditional music and singing as well as Palestinian singing and some excellent food. The women told their heart-rending stories with a wonderful openness and simplicity.
The most painful revelation was that they had not realised till they came to the UK that their lives were so desperately restricted and under constant threat, because they had nothing to compare it with.
People at the event (which included a good crowd and quite a few young women) were very much affected by the women's stories.I gather from Karin that there are lots of people in the town talking about it.
Yesterday, we took them on the "town walk" to show them some of the more interesting and historical buildings and then took them to a local cafe for lunch. Some other young people joined us.
Altogether it was a really heartwarming visit.

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