The blog for the Twinning in Action project 2014-2016 organised by CADFA

Thursday 15 January 2015

A visit to the Hopscotch Centre during the leaders' visit

We've been to the Hopscotch Asian women's Centre, they were highly welcoming and they talked about their programs. we met the coordinator and she talked about the Family support which is a project to improve the situation of children in need and their families to ensure that they are happy safe, and able to achieve their full potential.

the also talked about the parenting classes, they deliver a numbers of programmes amied at improving the parenting skills of Asian parents and helping them to achieve the best outcomes for their children.

there are also Youth work and mentoring, they work to build their social confidence, motivating and self esteem.
after they talked about the projects we talked about a way where we can make connections and see how our organisation is matching their needs. Hopscotch is a charity that supports Asian Women and their families, so they are able to actively participate in society.

we discovered different issues and stories about Palestinian women and how do they suffer form occupation. and they promised to stay in touch and host Palestinian women in their activities where they can come and share their experience.  


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